Life’s not to interesting…

21 10 2007

So, many people may wonder why in the HELL I set up a blog that I have not used in almost 2 months after posting only 1 initial post to begin with…(If you have an answer for this, please email me and tell me because I got nothin…)

Life is pretty everyday stuff at this point…Rylee is getting HUGE and she will be 1 in a little under 3 weeks…That just blows my mind..Where has the last year gone?  (If you have the answer to this one as well, feel free to add it to the email from above).  I need to get stuff going for her first birthday, but I am pretty sure this process has not begun due to the denial I am facing about her turning 1 to begin with.  I am currently trying to get a small Halloween party together for a few of the close friends/family we have that we want want to spend actual time with…I am positive already that more than half of these so called “friends/family” will not show for one stupid reason or another.

Besides that…Is anyone else having a freak out that Christmas is SO CLOSE? OMG…I am!  (Could the person that is emailing me also send money for this joyous occasion that is coming?)  I am not even started shopping yet, not that there is even a shred of money to do the shopping, but usually by now I am MORE than half done!  I also used to work, so I am pretty sure that gave me more money to shop in the previous years…

On the funny front…Anyone want to see my husband and his “Ghetto” remote control holder?  LMAO

Ghetto Remote Control Holder!

 Or maybe you would be more interested in a bundled “Eskimo Child”….bundled-eskimo-child.jpg

Or…There is the classic…Head Lock!


Well..I leave you with these classic pictures of a happy home…Enjoy!



One response

22 10 2007

Great pics!

The year has been way too fast, I can’t express that enough. Just yesterday I turned 26, and it seems like it will be just tomorrow before I hit 27.

Glad to see a post 😀


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